Proverbs 27:17
Sisters Crown®: Women Uplifting Women
“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back” —unknown
Every woman has a past, a story, a journey that is personal to her and only she can narrate. We all have a voice, one that is meant to be heard, to inspire, encourage, motivate, and bring forth change. The great Michelle Obama once said “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” In society today we can see how women are constantly portrayed in the media against one another, striving to be better than the sister next to her. If we as women come together to support and not discourage one another for the things we cannot help and our circumstances, we will be steadfast and unwavering by the trials and tribulations life throws at us. What this looks like is us owning our past, our failures, our everyday challenges with others and within ourselves, owning the fact that we are human and not perfect but everyday and every lesson we face is a testament to who we are, Queens. We are the queens who stand in the gap for our families, displaying great strength and tenacity for those we love and care for when all hope seems to be lost. This can only be made possible through the help and support we provide for one another. So queen there is no need to compete, fix your sisters' crown. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT

When women support each other, incredible things happen. -unknown

Our Mission: Change the mindset from women competing to uplifting one another.

Meet the Founder
Hi and welcome to Sisters Crown Podcast official website. My name is Bilqees Asunramu,
I am the creator,
host and founder of Sisters Crown Podcast.
I currently reside in Los Angeles, CA.
I am a christian, an Intercessor, a wife, and
a mother to 2 boys.
Thank you for taking the time to check out our website. The nascent podcast Sisters Crown has been in the making since 2018 with the guidance from God and anticipation of being one of the many great platforms where women look too for inspiration and sisterhood. Our goal and mission is to spark up conversation revolving around the hardships and circumstances women face in their everyday lives. We seek out to debunk the narrative that women cannot get along with one another but instead we as women strive to uplift one another. Here at Sisters Crown we do things different than your average day women's podcast, we bring a new and fresh perspective on women uplifting women; you are just going to have to tune in and see! So ladies grab your girl, a snack, a drink, and your devices to tune into Sisters Crown Podcast. Get ready to laugh and have fun, cry, maybe all at once and that's OKAY!!! But most especially get ready to be astonished by the things you will learn and how you will be able to interact in the live sessions with Sisters Crown Podcast. We are changing the narrative.
Our Credo: Queens don’t compete, they support one another™

Fix another Queen's Crown without letting the world know it was crooked!